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This is Her Story.

When our Granny first arrived in South Africa, she came with the clothes on her back, a small suitcase, her three children and her husband. With the minimal English she spoke, she was determined to put food on the table for her family. It was then that she was able to find a job manufacturing cutlery and crockery. It was extremely labour intensive but nonetheless she was persistent in her endeavours. After many years of loyal service to her company, it went under. Staff were retrenched and what was left of the company relocated. There she was in the middle of a small town back to square one with her family. She was at a cross roads - retreat and go back to her home country or stay and fight for what she believed in. She chose the latter. It was then that she took one of the biggest risks of her and her families life - move to the big city that was Johannesburg. 

We, her grandchildren, would be in awe finding us crowded around the small wooden coffee table listening attentively, making sure not to interrupt her. Our eyes unmoving and mouths wide open. We would be holding our questions, hands waving in the air, but as granny’s do she let us ask as many questions as we wanted. It was then that we found out that moving to a big city was not even a risk in her eyes. She would tell us tales of The Second World War, the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, losing family and friends, scavenging for food and her experiences during the Apartheid regime in South Africa and how she dealt with it all. It was then that we remembered how her stories brought our families together. The grandchildren would either have a hot chocolate or tea, sipping at the brim and ensuring we dare not burn our upper lips and her children would be drinking their cups of coffee. With the smell of homemade sandwiches and other small delicacies cutting through the evening air. 

We took all of her stories and combined it into Granny’s Coffee shop. With her Japanese influence, the minimal colours, marble tiling and of course her coffee.

We hope you feel right at home and can be a part of her story at Granny’s. 


